The typical coaster set is contained in a covered cylindrical box.
The height of the box ranges from 1¾ to 3 inches.
The diameter ranges from 3½ to 4¼ inches.
The side of both the box and lid is usually embellished with lathe chatter.
The lid has an outer lip which fits over an inner lip on the top of the box.
The top has a carved design which is framed within a thin border of lathe chatter.
A stack of from 6 to 12 coasters fills up the inside of the box,
leaving barely enough room to put on the lid.
A carved design complementing the design on the lid, but less detailed, is found
on the top surface of each coaster.
Each coaster is between 2¾ and 3¼ inches in diameter.
There is lathe chatter used on both the top and bottom surfaces of each coaster.
Since they are so thin, and since they have usually been neglected, it is not uncommon
for the coasters to be cracked, when we get them.
Other Designs
Copyright 2000 by Marc Kahn; All rights reserved.